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5 Things You Didn't Know About the Tutoring Centre!

This article was written by TLG Public Relations Officer, Anne-Marie White.

A TC tutor delivers a math lesson

A while back we busted some myths about the TLG eMentor program with 5 Things You Didn't Know About eMentor. Today we’re here to demystify the TLG Tutoring Centre (TC) by sharing the experiences of some of our wonderful TC staff and Exec members.

The TLG Tutoring Centre (TC) employs high achieving university students to provide affordable individual and group tutoring to students in Perth. All profits go towards funding TLG’s Rural Program and eMentor Program, which aim to help bridge the education gap by providing free one-on-one tutoring and mentoring to students in rural and remote areas. Tutoring sessions are normally held in students’ homes or a public location. However, since the outbreak of COVID-19, the TC has pivoted to a completely online offering of tutoring at discounted rates. Anyone interested in online tutoring should contact the TC to enquire about this service.

One thing many people don’t realise is the scope and impact of the TC’s work. We asked members of the TC’s Executive team, along with some TC tutors, to tell us what surprised them when they first became involved with the TC and what aspects of the program they felt were the most meaningful. So read on to discover ‘5 Things You Didn’t Know About the TC!’

1.   The TC is the only tutoring organisation in Perth that sends all profits back to a not-for-profit organisation.

The TC is truly unique in this aspect! In the words of TC Communications Officer, Grace Law, “the tutoring services the TC offers not only directly helps metropolitan students with their education, but also helps to fund the TLG Rural Program and eMentor Program so that more tutors can volunteer and make a difference in rural communities.” TC students don’t just have the benefit of being tutored by top-ATAR scoring Beazley Medallists, General Exhibitionists and school Duxes who offer tutoring in a vast variety of subjects. These students also have the privilege of knowing that, by working hard at their studies, they are helping another student in rural and remote Australia to reach their full potential. 

2.   The TC provides other services in addition to tutoring.

Both TC Manager, Matthew Sokolich and TC Financial Systems Officer, Andrew Smith said they were “surprised” to discover that the TC runs more than one program. Aside from providing high-quality tutoring, the TC also runs a weekly ‘Digication’ program for seniors at local public libraries. The aim of Digication is “to improve the digital literacy of our community by offering tailored education to improve basic computer, digital, media and technology skills.” Tutors with technical expertise work with seniors in a one-on-one or small group capacity to assist them with their technical needs. Tutors also deliver presentations on a variety of topics including cyber safety, online banking, online shopping, social media and smartphones.

These sessions are normally run from every Thursday afternoon at Subiaco Library but are currently suspended due to COVID-19. For the time being the TC Executive Team is exploring other options. Like the TC Facebook page to keep up to date with all developments surrounding the Digication program.

3.   The Digication program has a positive benefit for both tutors and participants.

A Digication tutor delivers a presentation.

Digication program tutor, Sam Hepton, spoke about the great strides he saw program participants make in improving their technical literacy, as well as the personal satisfaction he got out of the program. “Throughout my time as TLG’s Digication tutor I have seen all sorts of people come to the tutorials,” he said. “However, they all have one thing in common. Every single person brought a willingness to step out of their comfort zone and learn something new…Once people started to understand the basics, they would start to ask more complex questions. ‘Well if my phone can do that, can it also do this?’ This would come from people who, only 15 minutes prior, were having trouble opening their emails. It never failed to make me smile when people would want to push further and learn more.” 

Sam also reflected on the way the Digication program provided an opportunity to foster empathy between generations. “Sometimes people my age, who have grown up with this technology, take for granted how complicated it can appear to be,” he said. “However, if we just take the time to slow down and explain some basics, it would really get the ball rolling for everyone.” 

4.   The TC partners with other not-for-profits to further its work towards educational equality.

You may be surprised to find out that, in addition to raising funds for TLG’s programs, the TC is also working to directly address educational inequality in metropolitan areas. The TC has partnered with the Aurora Foundation to help deliver The Aspiration Initiative (TAI). TAI is a program designed to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to complete high school and pursue higher education. The TC provides high achieving tutors to undertake weekly tutoring in a range of subjects for students at schools supported by TAI. TC Client Engagement Officer, Sarah Samnakay, spoke about the partnership. “It is amazing that we are able to provide educational and mentoring support to students all year round and that we are able to do so with similar organisations, such as the Aurora Foundation, which stand for educational support and equality!” 

5.   TC tutors are highly committed to TLG’s values and mission.

A TC tutor assists a student.

Sarah also spoke about how she has been very happy to encounter so many TC tutors with a strong dedication towards TLG and everything it promotes and strives for. “It was uplifting to find out the number of enthusiastic and highly qualified tutors who stand for the TLG values and vision and their willingness to participate in TC programs,” she said. Many TC tutors are current and former volunteers with TLG’s programs and some also volunteer on the TLG Executive. TLG Honorary Life Member, Dylan Todd, is one such example. Dylan attended three Rural Programs, as well as volunteering for the TLG Executive for 18 months. He also spent a year working for the TLG TC and said of the experience: “The TC is a rewarding opportunity for both the tutors and the, predominantly WACE, students. Not only does the program work to boost academic achievement, but also helps make a financial difference to a great cause. The TC is definitely one of the best initiatives that has come out of TLG and I hope it continues to thrive!”

So, there you have it, 5 things you may not have known about the TLG Tutoring Centre. The TC remains committed to providing high quality tutoring to students throughout the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. To enquire about online tutoring, contact TC via their website or send an email to tutoringcentre@teachlearngrow.org.au.