RP Online: What You Need to Know
In this edition of The Leaflet, we answer some frequently asked questions about our new and upcoming program, RP Online!
What is RP Online?
RP Online is a customised week-long virtual education and engagement program for rural, regional and remote schools. TLG partner schools will receive resources for a range of exciting STEM lessons tailored to lower, middle and upper primary, plus personalised videos, student prizes and support for teachers. Programs are customised to each school and its needs, and may also include arts & craft and drama activities.
Why are we doing RP Online this semester?
Given the uncertainty resulting from the complex COVID-19 environment at the start of the year, we decided to focus on piloting our 'RP Online' program (also known as 'HelloED') to ensure we could deliver a positive impact to rural and remote schools while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our volunteers and school communities.
This is a program that we will continue to offer to schools moving forward in addition to our existing tutoring and mentoring programs, which allows TLG to further support schools in increasing student attendance, engagement and educational achievement.
During your program week you will check in and engage with your students by creating activites for them to complete.
Will I get to meet my fellow tutors from my school?
Yes! You’ll work with your fellow coordinator and tutors to pack resources, prepare educational videos and create activities for your students. This is a great way to meet other university students, learn new skills and work together to help students experiencing educational disadvantage in WA. Keep your eyes peeled for our wrap up social where you will be able to meet with volunteers from other schools!
Will I get to interact with my students during the RP week?
Yes - depending on the custom program for your school, you may be writing Pen Pal letters to students or engaging with them through online sessions and other activities. As TLG returns to in-person programs next semester, you will also have the opportunity to sign up for the Rural Program and visit your partner school later in the year.
What will be required of me prior to the RP week?
Prior to the program, you will attend a Packing Day and then a Training Day to prepare boxes of resources which will be sent to your allocated school. You’ll work with your tutor team to create a personalised online learning page specific to your school, including filming and uploading videos for student activities.
What will be required of me during the RP week?
You will engage with your students on their Moodle (online platform) page, including creating welcome messages, daily challenges, responding to student questions, providing feedback and encouragement and putting together games and brain breaks. You will also attend a mid-program check-in with your fellow tutors.
What is Moodle?
Moodle is an online learning platform that will be used to share resources and activities with partner schools and their students. It’s an information hub similar to LMS or Blackboard used for university students - except you’ll be the ones creating the content!
Where does RP Online take place?
Training and Packing days will be held in Crawley (at UWA) and tutor groups will meet in-person to complete some tasks. The other hours can be completed online.
Do I need to attend training for RP Online?
Yes you do! Training is only compulsory for new volunteers and you will receive further details regarding your training and whether you are required to attend via email. If you are a returning volunteer (volunteered within the last 2 years), you will not be required to attend. If you are a Coordinator for the first time, you will also be required to attend training and you will be notified via email.
Training is where you meet your team, get briefed about your program, and learn a range of skills.
What are the key dates and time commitments expected?
Saturday 14th May Packing Day - 4 hours
Saturday 21st May Training Day - 4 hours
Preparing activity packages for schools - 4 - 6 hours
During Program
During the program week you will be required max 1-2 hours per day online. On the Tuesday evening you will attend an in-person check in from 4-8 PM with your team!
How can I sign up for RP Online?
If you are a Returning Volunteer, you can sign up for RP Online via the following link: https://form.jotform.com/220881193876870
Applications will close on Saturday 14th May @ 11.59pm
If you are a New Volunteer, you can sign up to TLG via our website or the following link: https://teachlearngrow.org.au/apply-wa
Once you have completed your online application and are successful, you will be invited to attend an interview to become a TLG Volunteer. If you are successful in becoming a TLG Volunteer, you will then be invited to sign up for RP Online. This will be sent to you via email.
What will I get out of RP Online?
In addition to providing a high-quality program to students experiencing disadvantage, TLG programs are focussed on developing volunteers and their skills. In 2021, 99% of volunteers said they would recommend TLG to their friends. As a result of 2021 TLG programs, 93% of volunteers were more aware of different cultural practices in society, and 95% of volunteers developed skills applicable to everyday life including leadership and problem-solving.
Depending on your university, you may also be eligible for recognition of your volunteer hours on your university transcript.